As we attempt to navigate the complexity of Google Analytics to better understand our website, there are a few data points we should look at before creating our marketing strategy. The rich data we discover will enable us to create a custom user journey path and help...
RARCON Speaker contributions
Bleisure Marketing 101
What is it? We’ve all heard it – it’s the buzzword circling the hospitality industry these last few years – “Bleisure” Travel. Bleisure is a blend of both business travel and leisure travel. Meaning, guests who are traveling for a business trip will then extend the...
Automation – Salesperson Friend or Foe?
In my never ending quest to help salespeople automate whatever they can (because used wisely, it is always a friend), I thought I should bring up the concept of lead nurturing. Prospecting emails is one of the most popular topics in my training class, Influencer...
California Hotel & Lodging Industry (CHLA) Advocacy Summary 2019
2019 was defined by labor and the environment. The California legislature and Governor Newsom signaled a strong shift in favor of organized labor when it rewrote the state’s labor laws. Coalitions, including CHLA’s, fought to restrict the impact of Assembly Bill 5....
Cybersecurity, Labor and Opportunity Zones 2020
In the legal realm, hotels have been thrown some difficult challenges in California. Aside from an increase in minimum wage (not to be taken lightly, and the jury is out on its impact), California has enacted two significant laws that have received a lot of media...